A Revocable Living Trust is a document which allows you to distribute your assets to heirs without the supervision of the court. By placing your assets in a trust, you have provided an orderly way to handle your affairs in case of your death. A trust avoids probate. By avoiding probate, you have saved your heirs lots of money and a long tedious court process that could have taken up to two years. You retain 100% control of your estate during your lifetime. You can amend or revoke your trust at any time. The establishment of a revocable living trust could be one of the biggest estate planning steps you have ever taken.
Probate is the process of transferring your property to heirs after you die. This process is accomplished under the direction of the court. Unless you have done pre-planning before you and your spouse die such as a Revocable Living Trust, probate is the only way to transfer your assets to your heirs.
The choice is yours, DO NOTHING, let the state decide what’s best for your family and heirs; HAVE A WILL, open probate (can be extremely costly), 6 months to 2 year waiting period for the distribution of your estate. A Revocable Living Trust avoids probate, fees and taxes. Affordable Legal Aid, Inc at 123legalservices can assist you with a living trust.
Sacramento paralegal Terry J. Bergin has been serving the public in the preparation of legal documents since November 1989. He is a registered Legal Document Assistant and is registered/bonded with the county under LDA 2001-11 and 02-001. We have a team of professionals that can walk you through this process.
Our staff is friendly, knowledgeable and sensitive to your needs during this important time in your life. Our team has over 50 years experience to guide you through the legal process. We are a referral type business and strive to provide excellent service while staying within your budget. We realize that without you, our client we would have to close our doors. We are here to help and appreciate your business.
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